Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blackheart - Marvel Figurines

This week's offering is my recent Blackheart cover for the Marvel Figurines series by Eaglemoss. My friend and writing colleague, John Tomlinson is editing the series and asked me to provide a cover featuring Blackheart. I must admit to not being overly familiar with the character but John supplied plenty of reference. Seeing the figurine realised in three dimensions was also helpful and we managed to find a sympathetic solution to the different styles and designs of the character. We mostly deferred to the actual model to be supplied to the public but added a few extra horns to the crown for a more interesting visual look.

My reference pencils are always done with a brushpen as it provides me the opportunity to do a first pass of the inks (sorting out textures and problems) I also work in reverse as it corrects a skew in my work. Hold any piece of artwork up to a mirror and you will see that it is a more common occurence for artists than you think. Always best to do this trick with your own work too!

After final approval from Marvel (a few subtle changes were requested regarding the 'mouth and nose' of Blackheart to be more clearly defined) the pencils were inked and then passed to Chris Blythe for his lovely colour work to finish off the image.

Very pleased with this first cover for Eaglemoss' Marvel Figurine range and I am pleased to reveal that I am currently working on a second cover featuring...

Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? Maybe in a future post?

Blackheart is TM & © 2011 Marvel & Subs.

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